
STracking is a library for particles tracking in scientific imaging


STracking has been developed in the Serpico research team. The goal is to provide a modular library to track particles in 2D+t and 3D+t microscopy images. A classical application of your team is 3D+t endosomes tracking with Lattice LightSheet microscopy.

Library components

STracking is written in python3 and uses scipy library for data structures. STracking library is organized as a scikit library and provides a module for each particle tracking step:

  • Containers: SParticles and STracks containers based on Napari points and track layer data structures to store particles and tracks

  • Detectors: define a detector interface and implementations of particle detection algorithm for 2D and 3D image sequences

  • Linkers: define a linker interface and implementation of particle linkers (or trackers) for 2D and 3D image sequences

  • properties: define an interface and implementations of algorithms to measure properties of particles (intensity…)

  • feature: define an interface and implementations of algorithms to measure tracks properties (length, displacement…)

  • filters: define an interface and implementations of algorithms to select tracks